Year 6 Transition Day - Wednesday 3 July
Parents are invited to attend an information evening on the same day in the main school hall:
Transition Day Menu
Our Transition program at the Joseph Rowntree School is continuous. We work closely with our partner primary schools to ensure a strong relationship that supports all students in their transition journey to us.
Throughout the year we work with our primary schools to ensure students are aware of what the Joseph Rowntree School can offer them, through a wide selection of visits and various events. We are proud of the excellent working links we have forged over many years with our local schools, which allow us to prepare all our new students thoroughly for their time with us. We always ensure that we provide every new student with a smooth and successful transition from primary to secondary school.
We make contact and meet with every primary school, and aim to ensure every student receives a visit from a member of our team.
All students allocated a place will initially receive a welcome postcard from the transition team. Following on from this, after the Easter Holidays, families will receive an electronic information pack, with access to online forms to be completed. We would ask all families to read the information carefully. We use the Weduc Parent App to communicate with families. Parents and Carers of prospective students in year 6 will be sent an email inviting them to join the transition group to keep up to date with news and activities in school leading up to September.
Each year, our aim is to establish communication links between families and our new students as quickly as possible. Please keep looking at our main website page and transition page, where regular updates are posted, alongside the Weduc App. Our twitter feed is also useful to follow for updates and information about what our students are achieving. Our school newsletter, the Rowntree Reporter is also a great way to see what happens every day in school.
I am currently in contact with all of our primary schools who are involved with our transition students this year, and we are working together to ensure that all information is being shared.
Our transition team at the Joseph Rowntree School consists of myself, the progress leader and manager for incoming year 7, and the student support team. We are really looking forward to working with all the students, and will ensure that transition this year supports every student and their families. Further details about our plans for transition days are below. Please continue to check the website regularly. We will, as always, keep our primary schools fully informed of our plans.
Mrs Rachael Clarke & Mr Trystan Watts
Assistant Headteacher KS3 and Transition
Useful Information
Transition Day
At the Joseph Rowntree School we know how important a Transition day is for students to be able to start in year 7 successfully. Every year we put a great deal of time and effort into ensuring this day is informative, put students at ease, make them familiar with their new school, and ensure parents and guardians feel confident in the plans for September.
This year our Transition day will be held on Wednesday 3rd July and more information will be made available nearer the time.
Helpful advice for parents
- Building Resilience Parent Pamphlet
- Growth Mindset Parent Pamphlet
- Helping your child get into good habits Parent Pamphlet
- Making the Change Parent Pamphlet
- The Joseph Rowntree School - Uniform Leaflet 2024
- Transition into secondary school Parent Pamphlet
Example Year 7 Timetable
PE Kit
Further Advice
In general, students are expected to be more independent, resilient and self-organised once they begin secondary school. This is usually a welcome development for many pupils but proves a challenge in the first few weeks. Below are a few hints and tips we think may help in the first few weeks.
Further Advice for Parents: Before your child starts
- Make sure your child knows how they are going to travel to and from school, and you have timed it!
- Be sure your child understands what time they are expected to be home and what to do if they are late for any reason.
- Buy an alarm clock! Have a test run with it before the first day at school.
- Agree with your child what time they will need to get up to get to school on time. Work backwards from the time they need to be at school. Include all the things they will need to do.
- Agree a routine for the mornings and after school.
- Agree a bed-time for school days with your child that will ensure they get enough sleep.
- Check the uniform list including rules about wearing make-up and jewellery.
- Write your child’s name in every item of uniform.
- Have spare items of uniform at home if possible in the event of emergencies.
- An additional A4 plastic or card folder for inside the school bag is useful for finished homework and transferring worksheets for homework.
- Reassure your child that they will quickly get to know their way around (most have it mastered within a couple of weeks), and that they move around as a group to start with.
Further Advice for Parents: When your child starts.
- If possible, be around for your child for the first few days and weeks and ‘supervise’. Praise and encourage independence but be ready to offer a helping hand.
- Go through the routine regularly with your child if necessary provide a tick-list to help them.
- Insist on the routine being kept to – it will save you hours in the long run.
- Encourage your child to put everything out (including shoes, socks or tights) the night before. Make sure the planner is in the bag every evening.
- Have a system for making sure that clothes are clean and ready – the earlier children start to take responsibility the better, but whoever does it, both parties need to know ‘the system’.
- Get into a routine of ‘emptying the bag’ each evening. Place all those subjects for which homework is to be done in one pile. Do this with your child to begin with if necessary, then gradually let them take over. Even when your child has ‘got it’ do ‘spot checks’ every so often.
- Encourage your child to glue any worksheets or odd bits of paper into their workbook each night if possible, otherwise the sheer volume of loose paper becomes overwhelming.
- When homework is completed supervise the ‘packing of the bag’ to begin with. This is best done the night before. Make sure the planner is in there, and check if its a PE or ‘Ingredients’ day!
- Encourage your child to check their planner for any reminders or notes each night. It’s usually worth double checking to begin with.
- Use the planner as a communication tool. Have a look at the number of positive praise stamps, and discuss what lessons are on the timetable for each day.
Student Questions
Student Guide
Information Guide for Parents
school information guide for parents 2022.pdf