Pupil Premium
The Joseph Rowntree School Use of Pupil Premium Funding
The pupil premium is additional funding that is given to schools to address the inequalities between children eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years and their peers. Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and for children of service personnel.
You can see how pupil premium money is being spent and the impact of the school’s work on Pupil Premium by viewing the documents below.
If you think you are eligible, please follow the link to the York Council website here.
Pupil Premium Allocation 2020 - 2022
In 2020-21 we have been allocated a total of £200,000 to spend on Pupil Premium students to break down the barriers they typically face and in doing so compensate for some of the gaps which may otherwise exist between their educational experiences and outcomes and those of their Non Pupil Premium peers.
Our main aims are to:
- Maximise the use of transition activities to provide a settled start to secondary school life for Pupil Premium students
- Improve attendance of Pupil Premium students
- Reduce the number of Pupil Premium students missing learning because of behaviour issues
- Maximise progress and raise attainment of Pupil Premium students
- Improve participation in wider school life/ extra-curricular opportunities and enrichment activities
- Prepare all students for the next step in their educational journey
Barriers faced by Pupil Premium students
The main barriers faced by our Pupil Premium students include –
- A lack of aspirations from families rooted in a history of poor experiences of school life
- Ineffective and inconsistent support from home
- Poor attendance rates with absences condoned by families. High levels of PA
- A lack of exposure to cultural capital and opportunities
- A small proportion of students eligible for Pupil Premium funding have demonstrated that they are unable to self-regulate their behaviour and this could have a detrimental effect on their academic progress.
To overcome these barriers, we will use Pupil Premium funding to invest in staffing and leadership to develop and enhance the curriculum, pastoral and inclusion structures, resources and extra-curricular opportunities. Some of this work will also impact on non-Pupil Premium students including improved staffing ratios in core lessons, support to improve reading, small group sessions focused on improving exam technique and study skills.