The Joseph Rowntree School

Ofsted & Results


To view all previous reports please visit the Ofsted website here

Due to the disruption of COVID19, performance data for the 2019/20 and 2020/21 academic year will not be published by the Government. The link below takes you to the most recently published performance data for our school, but please bear in mind that this is 2 years ago 

Performance Tables

School Financial Benchmarking Information




“Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.” - Department of Education

GCSE Results

At Key Stage 4, students are given a broad choice of qualifications including subjects beyond the core curriculum, such as Sociology and Business Studies. While traditional GCSEs, especially combinations that lead to the English Baccalaureate, are popular we also offer a range of BTEC qualifications. Joseph Rowntree School has high expectations for our students and is very proud of the outcomes that our students achieve. 



As a school, our results are typically in line with or above the national average. Students consistently make good progress at Joseph Rowntree each year.

Students also have strong levels of attainment as well as high levels of progress. Our A8 figure remains consistently above the national average. Students also sit on average 10 GCSE/BTEC subjects and so their attainment remains high while managing to cover a wide breadth of subjects. 



Students also achieve very well in core subjects. We have high numbers of students achieving Grade 5+ in English and Maths, again higher than the national average performance in each of the last three years.



2020 Headlines

2021 Headlines

A Level

In the Sixth Form our students are given a broad choice of subjects to choose from, including subjects across the full range of typical Key Stage 4 GCSE and level 2 BTEC subjects studied locally. We are proud of the diverse range of subjects our students can access and regularly see students combining courses such as A level maths and biology with photography or BTEC Health and Social Care with psychology and sociology. This gives our students the ability to opt for a curriculum that suits their skills and interests best, and supports their progression to university degree courses, apprenticeships and employment.  Joseph Rowntree Sixth Form has high expectations for all of our students and a typical year 13 cohort will see around 75% of students leaving for university, with around 40-50% of these students attending Russell Group institutions including Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Kings College London, Leeds, Manchester, Durham and Sheffield. In addition to this we have also seen students in recent years progressing into a wide range of apprenticeships and direct employment. These have included apprenticeships with Hitachi Capital, Aviva, Azets, Phoenix Group, The Department for Education, the NHS, the Crown Prosecution Service and BMW Mini.

As a Sixth Form, our results are consistently excellent, and in terms of progress from GCSE to A level they have been consistently in the top 10% nationally, including results in line with the top 5% in 2022.



Value Added Progress Score - source ALPS 


A Level grades on or above target - source ALPS


 Headline Graded Outcomes


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