KS5 - BTEC National Extended Certificate in Sport
BTEC Level 3
This course is equivalent to one A level.
Possible Units:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
- Professional Development in the Sports Industry
- Sports Leadership
- Application of Fitness Testing
- Sports Psychology
- Practical Sports Performance
- Coaching for Performance
Personal Skills Required:
- Be able to work effectively and efficiently independently
- Be able to research key sporting concepts
- Be familiar with Microsoft word and internet search engines
- Have a keen interest in the theory behind practical sport
Learners will be assessed by producing evidence by:
- Write up findings of their own research
- Using case studies to explore complex or unfamiliar situations
- Carry out projects for which they have choice over the direction and outcomes
- Demonstrate practical and technical skills
- Completing examinations – all learners take the same assessment at the same time, with a written outcome in a exam format
Each Unit can be awarded at Pass, Merit or Distinction. The final award contains two grades, with a combination of Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*.