The Joseph Rowntree School

KS3 - Geography

Curriculum Knowledge


Year 7: Students begin Y7 with an introduction to map skills (through the content of fantastic places), use of field work to introduce map skills and generate knowledge of school. Students need map skills as a basis for future learning and consolidation from KS2, before beginning a study of human geography in people and cities. In term 2 we focus on the impacts of physical processes on our world in penguins and polar bears, and weather.  This builds upon fieldwork skills from HT1, develops understanding of the world around us and allows for a more integrated approach to understanding hazards in the context of some population and development issues. The year ends with a look at the physical and human geographical interactions in Africa which allows students to develop their integrated thinking to look at issues applicable to place specific locations in Africa whilst developing world knowledge. 


Year 8: Begins with Beautiful Biomes, looking at extreme environments. This build on knowledge gained in year 7, with a focus on tropical rainforests. Asian Adventures allows a place specific comparison in Asia to be carried out, before students enhance their worldly knowledge of place through global Rivers, as well as impacts on physical processes on the environment. As part of the Who wants to be a billionaire topic, students apply knowledge from people and cities in year 7 to different worldly contexts. ‘Russia’ builds upon knowledge of tectonics in year 7 to deepen understanding to include new processes – eg. Fold mountains and rift valleys. We finish with crime/ GIS which allows development of ideas to expand upon prior learning.

Year 9: Begins with Dangerous Planet, to develop greater understanding and awe and wonder of the world around them, leads to better engagement with the subject in HT1. The end of the world topic builds and develops an integrated approach to geographical knowledge and skills, Middle East, allows for more complex issues to be addressed. Coasts and Plastic Oceans, and UK Geography, consolidates year 7 and 8 knowledge of the UK whilst brings in future themes such as glaciated environments – links to tourism. Our Wild Weather lessons allow for an integrated approach to understanding hazards in the different contexts.


Skill Development


Subject Specific Skills:

  • Giving students an understanding of topical geographical issues and the confidence to understand and take part in current debates
  • Photo analysis – interactions of human and physical factors.
  • Graph interpretation – extracting evidence to support arguments.


Wider Academic Skills / Attributes:

  • Ability to analyse, question and make judgements.
  • Develop a range of employable skills
  • Creating and communicating an informed argument


Personal Development - SMSC & Cultural Capital (Opportunities / Experiences)


  • Deep understanding of the world around them and their role in it
  • Appreciate individual physical and human differences within our world
  • Explore moral dilemmas of an ever changing world
  • Experience a range of environments through fieldwork, enhancing our students’ cultural capital e.g. Y9 trip to Leeds.
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