Joseph Rowntree Sixth Form 16 – 19 Bursary Fund - Policy Statement
The 16-19 Bursary Fund exists to help students continue with education where they would otherwise be prohibited from doing so on financial grounds. This funding replaces both the Education Maintenance Allowance and the discretionary Learner Support Funding for September 2011 onwards.
The Bursary is intended to help with the hardship needs of individual students.
Generally, awards from the Bursary will be used towards essential course related costs such as books, equipment, travel, field trips, visits and other costs associated with living and learning.
Joseph Rowntree Sixth Form will seek to ensure that the funds available are:
- Distributed fairly through a process which is transparent and easily understood. Information about the process for application and consideration is available from Mrs Greenway.
- Assessed and allocated to each individual’s need, taking into account the financial circumstances of the applicant and the intended use of the award
- Used to widen access to, and participation in, sixth form education.
Please note: there is a limited amount of funding which means that it will not be possible to support every application and priority will be given to those students from the families with the lowest household income and/or highest demonstrated need.
The 16-19 Bursary Fund has two elements:
- Priority Groups
The following students will be eligible to receive a guaranteed bursary of £1,200 per year, if agreed standards of behaviour and attendance are met (see point 3):
- Students who are looked after children in the care of the Local Authority or foster parents
- Care leavers
- Students who receive Income Support
- Disabled students in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance
We aim to identify this group of students in the following ways:
- By asking students to make themselves known to Mrs Greenway, who will provide more information and explain the required evidence to confirm eligibility.
- Through our own knowledge of students in school
- Through communication with the LA
For details of how the award will be paid, please see ‘Awards Process’ below.
- Bursaries for other Young People
After the guaranteed bursaries have been allocated, we may then use discretion to support other students if they fall into one of the following categories:
- Students from households with incomes under £16,190
- Students from households with incomes between £16,190 and £32,000
Priority will be given to those young people with the greatest financial need. Agreed standards of behaviour and attendance should be met (see point 3).
Students should again see Miss Clark for more information, including the required evidence to confirm eligibility.
- Additional requirements
Standards expected of all students, as set out in the Learning Partnership Agreement found in the student planner, must be met in addition to the following.
Attendance: students must have at least a 90% attendance record (excluding authorised absences) and must not be late to lessons on more than two occasions in any one week
Behaviour: students must not have had any written warnings regarding their behaviour and their place in the Sixth Form.
Progress: students must be making good progress towards their target grades and have satisfactory attitude to learning scores.
Where the student does not meet the agreed standards, the school will make every effort to advise and help resolve any issues but retains the right to rescind or suspend the bursary payment(s).
Application Process
- Step 1: Completed financial assessment forms should be returned to Miss Clark for confirmation of eligibility by the final Friday in September. (please note that if you are currently not eligible, but your household income changes during the academic year, please contact Miss Clark)
- Step 2: Once we have confirmed your financial eligibility, complete an Application form for the Bursary Fund - collected from and returned to Miss Clark.
- Step 3: Applicants will be advised as to the outcome of their applications
- Successful applicants will either have the books, equipment or other costs provided by the school or direct payment may be made where such ‘in kind’ payments are not appropriate.
- Unsuccessful applicants will have the right of appeal
- All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence
Awards Process
Bursary awards are made for specified course related costs and/or other costs viewed as presenting a barrier to the individual learner’s participation in education. The amount of each award will be assessed and disbursed on an individual, case by case basis.
The School will offer bursaries in the form of non-cash “in kind” payments where appropriate, such as travel passes or money loaded onto the students meal account, attendance on course related school trips etc in the first instance. Any equipment purchased by the school for use by an individual student remains the property of the school and must be returned upon completion of or withdrawal from the course. Cash awards will only be offered as an exception and can only be used for course participation related expenses. Receipts must be kept to be returned to the school.
The school may also offer an award in the form of a short-term loan to help a student bridge a temporary financial hardship. In this case, the school will draw up an agreement with the student clearly stating the use of and the conditions surrounding the reimbursement arrangements which the student should sign indicating he or she understands the conditions of the loan. The student should be able to provide evidence that the award has been used as intended.
Bursary Decisions
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is limited and may not be possible to support all applications. Only students in the priority group are guaranteed a bursary. Students who hand in financial assessments for discretionary awards AFTER the budget has been allocated may not be made an award.
Appeals Process
Should a student disagree with the outcome of either their application for a bursary award or, where a payment has been withheld due to attendance / behaviour, they should write to Mr Hewitt, Headteacher, within 10 working days of being notified of the decision.
Your letter of appeal should include your name and the reasons for your appeal. Any additional information you wish to provide that you feel is relevant to your application can be attached.
Mr Hewitt (Headteacher), along with The Deputy Headteacher will review the appeal and written confirmation of the outcome of the appeal will be sent out within 10 working days of the Appeal being considered.
Review of Policy
This policy will be reviewed as appropriate and at least on an annual basis, taking into account the views of the school, young people and their parents and guidance from the Department for Education and the Young People’s Learning Agency.
Student Finance
- Disability Student Allowance
- NHS financial support for healthcare students 2021-22
- Student Finance - How youre assessed and paid 2021-22
- Student loan terms and conditions 2022-23