The Joseph Rowntree School is committed to developing the life chances of all students, and aims to encourage and inspire them through a comprehensive programme of CEIAG.
Students take part in a wide ranging Careers Education package which includes looking at different options and taking part in activities which helps them to understand their own strengths and qualities.
In year 10 there is an opportunity for students to take part in work experience which will provide a chance to get to know an employer and the work place.
Joseph Rowntree School have close ties with local employers and other outside agencies who are invited into school to discuss different career paths and enable students to gain independent and impartial advice about the options which are best suited to them as individuals.
All students have access to an internal L6 Careers Adviser and pathway meetings with senior leaders. The advice students receive is high quality impartial careers guidance, which helps them to make informed choices about which courses suit their academic needs and aspirations.
The careers curriculum is enriched through external support with employability embedded into the curriculum across all key stages.
We measure the impact of our careers programme termly through the use of the Compass Careers benchmarking tool. This evaluates our programme against national benchmarks and helps us to identify areas for further development. The latest review of our programme took place on 7th April 2022.
Please get in touch via email if you have any feedback or questions
Ms A Hernandez
L6 Careers Advisor and Coordinator
Tel: 01904 552126
Careers Overview
Year 7
- Citizenship lessons: Qualities, Skills and setting personal career goals
- STEM assemblies
Year 8
- Citizenship lessons: thinking about the world of work
- Roots to Success visits
- Assemblies from different vocational areas such as engineering and hospitality
Year 9
- Citizenship lessons on challenging gender stereotypes
- Roots to Success visits – York St John/University of York
- GCSE options: Options assemblies, Options evening and guidance with choosing options linked to future career pathways
- Visits from speakers who are not in “traditional” roles
Year 10
- Preparation for work experience: Assemblies, Parents evening, Careers interviews and 1:1 support
- Work experience week
- Roots to success residential visit
- Visit to the University of York
- Careers Fair
Year 11
- One to one career guidance interviews
- Apprenticeship group work with NYBEP and YCC
- Taster days including Sixth Form, York College, Askham Bryan College and selected apprenticeship venues
- Access to online resources highlighting the different post 16 options
- Roots to Success progression conference
- Careers Fair
Sixth Form
- Career Ready – regular masterclasses throughout the year and contact with a mentor.
- Careers Fair
- University visits
- Enrichment Lessons: Speakers on topics such as applying to Oxbridge and student finances
Careers Development Plan
Useful websites
For useful pages on careers for young people –
Our local careers advice provider - e.g
A directory of 14-19 courses –
The National Apprenticeship Service –
National Careers Service for information, advice and guidance on different career areas:
York College website, information on courses, open and taster days:
Askham Bryan College:
Apprenticeships guide and information:
To look and apply for current apprenticeship vacancies:
To look and apply for university courses:
Careers Documents
- 3 Year Destination Data Collection Plan
- Application for Provider Access 22-23
- Apprenticeship Hints Tips for Parents-Carers
- Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy
- Careers guidance and access for education
- Joseph Rowntree School Destination Data 2021-2022
- Joseph Rowntree School Destination Data 2021-2023
- JRS Careers Roadmap
- Labour Market Information
- Post 16 Pathways - Guide 23-24
- Provider Access Policy
- Shape your future - York
- York Apprenticeship Guide
- Young Entrepreneurs Guide